EKG Study Packet Answer Key
- Sinus Rhythm
- Sinus Brady
- Sinus Tach
- Sinus Rhythm w/ PAC (look for the inverted P wave. Upright P waves generally are above the baseline.
- SVT ( No P waves, narrow complex )
- Atrial Fibrillation ( No regular Ps, variable rate and fibrillatory baseline)
- Atrial Flutter
- Wandering Atrial Pacemaker (WAP)/If > 100 = Multifocal Atrial Tach (MAT)
- Junctional Rhythm.~ 60 bpm
- Sinus Rhythm W/ ST Depression and a PJC
- Junctional Tach @ 110 bpm
- Sinus Rhythm W/ PVC
- Sinus Rhythm W/ multifocal PVC’s
- Monomorphic V-Tach
- Polymorphic V-Tach (Probably normal QT)
- Polymorphic V-Tach / Torsades de Points ( Prolonged QT)
- Polymorphic V-Tach / Torsades de Points
- Fine V-Fib
- Coarse V-Fib
- Coarse V-Fib that goes into asystole after a defibrillation
- 1st Degree
- 1st Degree
- 2nd Degree type I
- 2nd Degree type I
- 2nd Degree type II
- 2nd Degree type II
- 3rd Degree
- 3rd Degree
- Asystole
Bundle Branch Block, right and then left